Append TDM functionality to a pharmacometrics structural model.

# S3 method for RxODE
tdmore(model, res_var, parameters = NULL, omega = NULL, iov = NULL, ...)

tdmore(model, ...)

# S3 method for nlmixrUI
tdmore(model, iov = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for nlmixrFitCore
tdmore(model, ...)



the base model


the residual variability


list of parameter names, or NULL to automatically detect The automatic detection will analyze omega first, to see if there are names present. If not, it will use all parameters from the RxODE model


omega variance-covariance matrix, or NULL to use a diagonal matrix of variance 1 for all input parameters


list of parameter names related to IOV, NULL if no IOV


extra arguments will be passed to the underlying structural model


An object of class tdmore, which can be used to estimate posthoc bayesian parameters


You can use a named omega parameter to distinguish between unexplained variability (described by an a priori distribution) and a covariate (assumed to be known for all individuals). Any input parameters not provided in omega are assumed to be covariates.


modelCode <- " CL = 23.6 * exp(ETA1*0.42); Vc = 1070 * exp(ETA2*1.11); ka=4.48; CONC = centr / Vc * 1000; d/dt(abs) = -ka*abs; d/dt(centr) = ka*abs - CL/Vc*centr; " rxodeModel <- RxODE::RxODE(modelCode)
model <- tdmore(rxodeModel, res_var=list(errorModel(var="CONC", add=3.7)))